Monday, April 14, 2008

Dinner TIme!

This is the video I was hoping to get for you. You prolly won't think it's as cute as Josh and I do but Dozer gets SO excited when it's time to eat. He was trained to eat in his cage so we've kept that up. Whenever he see's me or Josh get the food bowl he waits to make sure we are walking to the closet where we keep his food then as soon as he confirms it he runs to his cage where he stands and drools, waiting on his dinner. Then with the worst manners possible he eats his food in less than a minute! Bless his heart, you would think he is starving. Anyways just wanted to share, he's so funny!


Rachel H. said...

That is too cute and great training habit!

Tara said...

I think that is too cute! I wish our dog would eat like that. We have to guess when Cooper is hungry. Sometimes he wont eat for 2 days... The vet says he is fine because he maintains his weight. Weird, hugh?