Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Going to the Chapel!

You know everyone has that one special college friend??? Well mine is getting married!!!!

Samantha and I met our freshman year when we both transferred from different colleges to UT. We were the "new" girls in our sorority so we hit it off from the start. We ended up living together every year in college except one year when she had to live in the sorority dorms because of her position on council. I cannot thank God enough for making Samantha apart of my life. She played an integral part in my college years and it was because of her that I have such wonderful college memories. She is a very unique friend and a very special person that I hope to remain friends with forever. Her fiance, Jamie, is one lucky man!!!

Congrats Samantha, I am so so so happy for you!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dozer's Weekend!

Dozer was also very excited to have nothing to do this weekend. This meant that he did not have to spend 8 hours in the car or that he got to have free riegn of his couch. Usually when we have people in town they will sit in his seat on the couch and he will just stand there and look at them. As you can see from the pictures he got some much needed rest on his couch and I'm pretty sure he loved every minute of it. He also got some much needed quality time with mommy and daddy, going to the pet store, playing frizbee and cuddling on the couch.

If you turn up the volume you can hear him snoring and look at his tongue sticking out!

Wonderful Weekend!!

Josh and Ashley Weekend 2008 was wonderful! I can't even tell you how excited we were to just hang out and we had so much fun. Friday night was spent eating fajitas, watching a movie and baking friendship bread, we love that stuff!! Saturday we went golfing, got a little sunburnt, and then on the way home we were listening to the Braves game and Josh was like, "Do you want to go to the Braves game?". So at the last minute we decided to go, we scalped great seats in the 2nd row on the 3rd base line. One reason we really wanted to go was because Andruw Jones (old Braves player) was playing for the Dodgers, so we wanted to go see him play. Sunday was spent being lazy, grocery shopping and watching Sunday night shows. It was so nice to just relax and spend quality time together. This weekend we are just as excited because the neighborhood is having an outdoor festival that we had to miss last year so we are excited to go to that!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

It was a little windy, you can tell by looking at Josh's hair!
My new golf shorts I was a little reluctant to wear
Josh being goofy as usual

A little turtle we named Frank, look how small, he was so cute!

Andruw Jones
Josh and I at the Braves game. One thing that's nice about having other people around is that you don't have to take the classic pictures of yourself. It turned out pretty good though, I don't have 3 chins :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ash and Josh Weekend

Josh and I golfing last year

I love this picture because they are holding hands :)

For the 3rd weekend since January 1st Josh and I don't have anyone visiting and we were not going anywhere to visit someone. As much as we love and cherish those visits we are SO excited to spend some alone time this weekend and just relax. I'm also excited that I haven't HAD to do laundry and pack or clean the apartment this week :) If you want to know where to find us this weekend just check the golf course or the couch, we'll be there with big smiles on our faces!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Girls Weekend!

This weekend I got to spend time with 4 of my favorite people in the world. We have all known each other since middle school and have remained the best of friends despite attending different colleges, moving to different states and so forth. On Friday night they all didn't get in till around 11 so we just spent some time looking through old pictures I had my mom send from home. That was so much fun to see how much we've changed (I want my old body back!!). Saturday we got pedicures, went to lunch and did some shopping in VA Highlands. Saturday night we went to eat Sushi at a trendy little place in Buckhead then out to listen to an 80's band, we are all fans of 80's music! Carrie lives in OH, and Hayley lived in Nashville for awhile but is now back in Knoxville so other than a quick little visit during Christmas we haven't all got to hang out like that since Max's wedding in 2006. We had an amazing time and I hope we continue this tradition in the future!

I made "friendship bread" and the girls were making fun of me because I baked! (By the way Robin, thank you so much for this recipe, it has been a huge hit with everyone, even Josh loves it and is not a sweets person)

All of us at lunch on Saturday
Getting ready to hit the town on Saturday night-Hayley, me and Carrie
Max and I
Erin and I at dinner

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dinner TIme!

This is the video I was hoping to get for you. You prolly won't think it's as cute as Josh and I do but Dozer gets SO excited when it's time to eat. He was trained to eat in his cage so we've kept that up. Whenever he see's me or Josh get the food bowl he waits to make sure we are walking to the closet where we keep his food then as soon as he confirms it he runs to his cage where he stands and drools, waiting on his dinner. Then with the worst manners possible he eats his food in less than a minute! Bless his heart, you would think he is starving. Anyways just wanted to share, he's so funny!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Recent Dozer Pics!

"Mommy, please stop taking pictures, I'm trying to sleep"
This is the best shot I could get with sunglasses on, after taking tons, I will get a great one though, I'm not giving up
This was taken when Bella was in town. I really think Dozer might have been jealous because he was real lovey and wanted to be on top of us (he's usually that way but more so than usual). So Josh picked him up and held him like a baby and he fell asleep.
Nursing on his piggy. He used to only have one "baby" but every once in awhile we will give him a stuffed toy and he won't destroy it, making it his new baby. He has....piggy, hedgehog, gingerbread man and the original green guy. He's so funny!

Hopefully I will have a funny video for you soon! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Pics of Patio

As I mentioned in my last post, Josh's mom and I planted flowers on Sunday. My patio doesn't get much sun so I was a little limited in choices but I'm very happy with what I've got and the overall look. Thanks again, Bev!
Confederate Jasmine
Hibiscus Tree, when I bought it we weren't sure what the color was going to be but it already bloomed a beautiful yellow!
2 pots of impatients
Bev's personal concoction of all sorts of stuff, it turned out really pretty!


Monday, April 07, 2008

Josh's Birthday Weekend!

We had a great weekend with the Brimer's celebrating Josh's birthday. They(mom, dad, 2 sisters and Bella) got in on Friday. On Saturday us girls went out for a little shopping while the boys took care of Bella. Then we had a wonderful dinner of steaks, salad and potato's. Josh said he was getting old because he didn't want to go out to dinner for his birthday. He wanted to stay at home and watch the basketball games on his new TV. So that's what we did. The Brimer's are big North Carolina fans so we were all a little upset about that game. On Sunday the girls left but Josh's parents stayed. Josh and his dad went to play golf and Bev and I went to Pike Nurseries. I got 2 trees and some flowers for my patio and it looks so pretty (I will post a pic later). Bev helped me pick everything out and plant them so thank you for your help and expertise, I love it all! We watched the Lady Vols Final Four victory last night and Josh has the day off today golfing with his parents again. We really enjoyed their visit and thank you for making Josh's birthday special.

Josh and Bella

Josh and I (sorry for the hair-do, it was a rainy day/night)
Josh and Chelsey (she got him a Destiny's child CD b/c they used to dance to it when they were younger)
Josh (being goofy) and his mom, Bev
Josh's birthday cake I made him. He doesn't like cakes and sweets but does love cookies so I fashioned a cake with some yummy chocolate chip and sugar cookies.
This picture was staged Friday night (that's why the shirt is different) because I wanted to get a picture of Josh with his cake but I knew cookies would get eaten by Saturday night, always thinking ahead!!

The Brimer clan! (We took a couple of these because everyone is trying to get Bella to look at the camera and kept concentrating on her. Those of with you babies can relate I'm sure!)
Bella and Aunt Chelsey!
Happy Birthday Josh, I hope you had a wonderful day and weekend because you deserve it so much! Sorry your golf club didn't come in so you could use it this weekend but hopefully it will be here soon!

Dad's are Great!

Well thanks to Josh's Dad we got that great TV in the previous post for Josh's birthday and didn't realize how expensive TV stands are so thanks to my Dad we have a TV stand and it was FREE!!! He was just excited that someone can use it and Josh and I are thrilled with it. It's prefect for what we need! Thanks Dad's!!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fool's!!!

So I don't know how many of you regulars checked my blog yesterday and saw my nose ring post but I DID NOT get a nose ring!! I took that picture when we were making valentines back in February, it's a little jewel sticker. After I saw the picture I was like that could be a great April Fool's joke so I've been saving it since then. No one commented so I don't know if anyone saw it or if they were speechless or what. Let me know if you saw it and if you believed it or not.

Funny story! So my mom knows me better than anyone else (well I thought :) but you should have seen the email I got from her yesterday. I totally fooled her and it was so funny. I read the email and was grinning from ear to ear while she was questioning why I got a nose ring. I even called Josh and read him the email because he knew about that joke. Even if no one else believed it I'm just thrilled that I got my mom. I called her right after work and was like "April Fools!!!!". She was telling me all of these thoughts she had and it was hilarious. So mission accomplished! I really would like to know if you read it and what your thoughts were, or if you pulled any April Fool's jokes yourself!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Erin!

The birthday girl and Bella
The limo crew
Josh and I in the limo (please don't mind how pale I am)

This Saturday was Josh's sisters 30th Birthday. We made the drive home to Knoxville with strep throat and all (Josh got it about a day after I did), we couldn't miss this milestone birthday. The Brimer's had lots of family and friends over for dinner and then they rented a huge Escalade Limo for everyone that night. We ended up in the Old City to watch a friend of theirs play some really great jazz. We had a great night and I think Erin really enjoyed herself. Happy Birthday Erin, we had a great time!!!

Now I'm getting ready for the next birthday, Josh's is this weekend (5th) and the Brimer's are all coming to Atlanta to celebrate his!

New Addition

So I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. It's something I've always wanted to do and prolly should have done during college instead of now but I figured this was my last chance while I'm still in my twenty's. Knowing me I won't have it for long and they say it won't leave a scar so please don't freak out (parents). I got it yesterday and I'm a little nervous about the reactions I'm going to get from everyone but please be honest. I spoke with my boss about it and they agreed as long as I took it out during work once it's heals enough to do so. I never would have done it without talking to them. So anyways, I have a nose ring, let me know what you think!!!!!

Spring cleaning makes me sick!

literally...I started my spring cleaning project on Monday then came down with strep thoat by Friday. Ok, it prolly wasn't the spring cleaning and to be honest I'm actually enjoying it. It's really east to get unorganized and crowded in an apartment so it's been refreshing to have things back in order. I haven't done much since last Thursday (my closet-the biggest project) but I'm planning on starting back tonight now that I'm feeling better. Here are some pics of my closet, it might not look all that great to some of you but I promise it's an improvement. I've grouped all my clothes together, moved the winter clothes to the back and so forth, plus got rid of some stuff. What you can't see it underneath all of this has been cleaned and re organized. Happy Spring Cleaning and make sure to take your Airborne ;)