Monday, July 16, 2007

Relaxing Weekend

Well this weekend was wonderful because I had nothing to do! Not that I don't like to stay busy and have fun but it's nice every once in awhile to just relax. Friday I made Prime Rib, yes that's right, I have a great recipe if anyone is interested. Josh and I have both had a great month as far as work goes so I thought I would treat us to prime rib at home! Saturday I laid around all day and had an excuse because it rained the entire day. Then I finally got up enough energy to go to the movies with Josh and out to eat. We saw Ratatouille (Josh and I love these types of movies, especially Pixar ones) and ate at Cheese Cake Factory, YUM! The movie was very cute and the cheese cake was fabulous! The only problem with this is that I am really watching what I eat since I am doing bootcamp and I'm sorry but there is not one thing on the menu that is healthy at CCF! Anyways, I did get a little more productive yesterday because we will be busy again for the next month or so and I did lots of cleaning and laundry. Coming up we have a wedding in Knoxville, Dad's b-day, a wedding in Nashville, back home for randomness, mom in Atlanta and then finally a relaxing week in Hilton Head. Stay tuned for pictures!

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

I'm glad to find your blog. Good stuff!