Thursday, July 12, 2007

Josh's cousins

I just found this online and had to post it. I am always a little intimidated when I go to Josh's annual family reunion because there are about 50 Brimers all in one place. It's not like 2nd cousins and great aunts and stuff. It's all his aunts and uncles and cousins on his dad's side. This is like 10 times more family members than both my sides put together. Anyways this is a picture of just cousins from the reunion last year and there are still about 5 cousins missing.


Jeremy and Lacy said...

Goodness, there are quite a few of wonder you are intimidated!

Unknown said...

Just to let everyone know, there are 12 cousins missing from this picture, but two of the people in the picture are not Brimers. I do come from a big family!