Monday, July 30, 2007

Sleepy Dozer

This weekend we had to take Dozer to daycare and a slumber party (really to be boarded but this is apparently the new terminology). Dozer has been before but not for about 2 years. It has worked out in the past that he can stay with my mom. Well that didn't work this weekend so I had to start scoping out a new place for him to go last week. Dozer is very much a pampered pooch so I was so worried about him being lonely or uncomfortable or scared. The place I chose is owned by 3 ladies in their 30's who LOVE animals. It is set up really nice inside and they even have an Airstream indoors that someone stays in every night so the dogs are monitored at all times. I just really liked how much effort they put into making your dog feel at home. We dropped him off Saturday at 9:00 and picked him up Sunday at 1:00 and they said he did really well. He was a little timid at first but got better. He didn't eat all of his food which is very much unlike him!! I only live 5 minutes from this place and he was asleep with his head up by the time we got half way home, then I gave him a bath and he fell asleep standing up with my hand holding his head up. I don't have a picture of that because he moved before Josh could get the camera. Needless to say he was worthless last night and was sound asleep for most it. I caught this picture of him while he was sleeping, I think he was sticking his tongue out at Mommy and Daddy for making him go to daycare! Poor guy!

Josh to California

Please pray for Josh this week. He is leaving for California this morning and won't be back until Wednesday evening. Please pray for a safe trip as well as a successful one. Chick-fil-a is opening a new office in California so he is going to get a lot of the same stuff set-up like the home office in Atlanta. This is a big opportunity for him to prove what he can do. He is so intelligent and focused so I have no doubt that he will do a great job and impress everyone there.

Last Wedding of the Summer

Carrie, Samantha and I

Us again with the Bride

The happy couple

Another happy couple

This weekend Josh and I went to Nashville for my friend Aftin's wedding, we were in KD together. It was great because I got to spend time with Hayley and Samantha during the day out by the pool, then got to see Carrie (I haven't seen her since Christmas b/c she lives in Cleveland), and more girls I went to college with that I haven't seen in way too long. The wedding was beautiful, all white hydrangeas, I loved Aftin's dress and the food was great at the sit down dinner in a beautiful ballroom. Afterwards we met up with some high school friends so it was a great weekend to see lots of people I haven't seen in awhile and we had so much fun! Here are a few pictures.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Boot Camp Update

Well another tough week of boot camp is over but it does seem to get a little easier. I think the worst part for me is the random running or sprints that we have to do in between the muscle building. According to Miro (my trainer) that is what helps burn while you build which will result in weight loss. While I have only lost 2lbs I can tell a difference in tone and the way things fit. I always try to stay off the scale but it's really hard. I just found out today that he is doing another one starting August 6th but that means I would do 2 straight months of it and to be honest I don't feel like getting up at 5:45 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I am going to take a break and possibly do another one in September. If you hear of one in your area I would check it out and definitely recommend it. Everyone have a great weekend. I have a wedding in Nashville this weekend so I will have some pictures to post on Monday!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wedding and Family Fun!

Me, Hayley and Erin

Me and Josh with the handsom groom, Brandon

Mr. and Mrs. Koontz

Josh caught the garter, HA!

Another busy weekend in Knoxville...Friday night Josh and I did not get in until around 10:00 and we went over to his sisters house for Daniel's birthday, he turned 31. Of course we went to see Bella too, she is doing really well and has gained 1lb. She loves the swing that Josh and I got her. Then on Saturday we went to Brandon Koontz's wedding. It was a really nice wedding and it was great to see lots of old friends and parents I have not seen in years. The reception was at L&N station and it was just very laid back. Sunday was lunch with Dad for his birthday. We ate at Mellow Mushroom, YUM, and then I made Molten Chocolate Cakes back at his house. It was great to get to spend time with everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Well we finally gave in and bought a camera. We don't like to spend money, especially Josh, so it was hard to just drop a couple hundred dollars on a camera but we really needed one with all the upcoming vacations, weddings and of course 2 new baby girls! Here is a picture! It was sort of a task because a lot of places are sold out of the black but we had already decided that is what we want to we didn't want to give in and get the silver just because it was earier. Well ok, I wanted to do that but Josh made me be patient! I hope I get to take a picture of you soon!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday! I am glad I get to celebrate with him this weekend! Happy Birthday DAD! I love you!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bootcamp update

Crunches-20 reps about 4-5 times
this example isn't exactly how we do then, we lift our knees to our chest

Side Plank (do each side)-20 sec each side

Plank hold-20 sec at a time

I forgot to mention this one and can't remember the name.

Again, we do these over and over almost like a series for about 45 minutes!

Today started the 2nd week of bootcamp and it did seem to be a little easier. That is until we has to sprint forward then backwards then forward again around these little cones over and over. It rained all weekend so the grass was soaking wet at 6:15 this morning and my feet were wet the entire time which was not that fun. Lacy asked if I could list some of the things we do and I started thinking that pretty much what we do is the basics. He mixes it up everyday but the things we do that you can do at home are: squats, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, plank holds (you get in the push up position but with your forearms under your chest, then you lift your lower body off the ground), this REALLY works your abs, side planks (this is where you lay on your side and hold yourself up with your elbow and your feet are straight out). This also works your abs but along the sides, obliques. Of course we do crunches as well and he has us do them with our knees up and our arms straight out and you just reach for the sky. My abs tell me that they are working. We continually do these over and over with some cardio like jogging or sprinting in between for 45 minutes, 3 days a week. I will keep you posted on whether it's working or not. My biggest fear is that I will bulk up and not loose any weight! Anyways, hope these help! I will add any news ones as he does. Have a great week everyone! Here are some illustrations.

Relaxing Weekend

Well this weekend was wonderful because I had nothing to do! Not that I don't like to stay busy and have fun but it's nice every once in awhile to just relax. Friday I made Prime Rib, yes that's right, I have a great recipe if anyone is interested. Josh and I have both had a great month as far as work goes so I thought I would treat us to prime rib at home! Saturday I laid around all day and had an excuse because it rained the entire day. Then I finally got up enough energy to go to the movies with Josh and out to eat. We saw Ratatouille (Josh and I love these types of movies, especially Pixar ones) and ate at Cheese Cake Factory, YUM! The movie was very cute and the cheese cake was fabulous! The only problem with this is that I am really watching what I eat since I am doing bootcamp and I'm sorry but there is not one thing on the menu that is healthy at CCF! Anyways, I did get a little more productive yesterday because we will be busy again for the next month or so and I did lots of cleaning and laundry. Coming up we have a wedding in Knoxville, Dad's b-day, a wedding in Nashville, back home for randomness, mom in Atlanta and then finally a relaxing week in Hilton Head. Stay tuned for pictures!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Josh's cousins

I just found this online and had to post it. I am always a little intimidated when I go to Josh's annual family reunion because there are about 50 Brimers all in one place. It's not like 2nd cousins and great aunts and stuff. It's all his aunts and uncles and cousins on his dad's side. This is like 10 times more family members than both my sides put together. Anyways this is a picture of just cousins from the reunion last year and there are still about 5 cousins missing.

Happy Birthday Chelsey

Today is Josh's little sister Chelsey's 22nd birthday! She is such a fun-loving and sweet person and there is never a dull moment when you are with her. Last year we had the opportunity to spend her birthday with her here in Atlanta and wish we could celebrate with her this year! Happy Birthday Beauty!

Bootcamp Day 2

Bootcamp Slogan

Well yesterday I had day two of bootcamp and it was totally miserable. I was still sore from the gruesome first day and he pushed us even harder this time. We started out with the normal jog to warm up but this time we had to bend over and touch the ground every few steps. I would consider this a full blown exercise rather than a warm up but who knows...he is the expert. Then we stretch which is by far my favorite because it is not strenuous. Then we started our series of jumping jacks, reverse lunges, crunches, push-ups, squats, plank holds, and sprints up a hill in between. This is all done very quickly with minimal breaks. Needless to say I am tired and sore again today. I asked Josh last night why I feel compelled to commit to something like this and I realized that no matter how miserable I am while I'm actually working out I have such a great sense of accomplishment when I walk away...not to mention the 2lbs I've already shed. Ok, well pray for my strength and determination as I have 11 more days of BOOTCAMP! Everyone have a great weekend!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Bootcamp Revolution

Well I decided to join a bootcamp and it started this morning. It is in my neighboorhood so it's easy to get to but that is about the only thing easy about it. It is 3 days a week for 1 month and it's 6:15 am to 7:00 am. I went this morning and I am still in a mild state of shock. As you know I trained for a 1/2 marathon not too long ago so I am not one to complain much about hard work but GEEZ! When he said bootcamp he meant it. We stared out running 3 laps, then stretched, then did a combination of jumping jacks, push-ups (the real ones), sit ups, lunges, squats, plank holds and SPRINTS for the next 40 minutes with no stopping. Yep, right in the middle of all this he would say ok, now sprint up the hill and back!!! So, this is not for wimps, this is the real deal and as much as I want to be in shape I am going to need some REAL motivation!! Anyways, I'll keep you posted on my progress, I must say if I don't loose weight after this then I give up!

Lil Bella Boo

Well Josh and I have been blessed with two new little girls in our life. Josh's sister Erin had her baby Thursday July 5th. Bella Danielle weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 19 inches long. We left our trip to Charleston a day early to drive back to Knoxville to meet her. It has been such a long time since I have been around a newborn and I must say it is quite an experience. We are just so thrilled that the Lord has blessed our families with two healthy little girls and mothers. Here are a few pictures from our first time meeting little Bella (two days old). It makes me very anxious to meet Kiley!


Dinner in Isle of Palms USS Yorktown

Downtown Charleston Daniel, Morgan and Munson

Dinner in Sullivan's Island The chip rack Josh and I helped stock

Day at the beach

So last week Josh and I went to visit our friends, Daniel and Morgan, in Charleston. Daniel already owns one Larry's Sub Shop in Statesboro, GA but is living in Charleston for the next few months to open his 2nd one there. We had a wonderful time with them, going to the beach, sightseeing and shopping in Charleston and eating great seafood. I drove the whole way there on Tuesday after work which wasn't that bad, 5 hours and since it was late we didn't do much that night. Wednesday we spent the whole day at the beach, Sullivan's Island. We played boche ball and just laid around. That night we went to dinner and watched several firework shows across the horizon which was great! Thursday we went into Charleston for some sightseeing, we took a carriage ride and walked through the open air markets and ate dinner at the Noisy Oyster, later that night we went bowling. Friday was our last day so we went to USS Yorktown and took the tour there then went to Daniel's store to help him stock his food shipment that just came in (his Grand Opening is tomorrow). Then that night we went to Isle of Palms for our last dinner and some live beach music. We had a wonderful time and really appreciate the hospitality of our wonderful friends. Please keep Daniel in your prayers that he will have a successful opening this week! Here are some pics!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Birthday and Old Friends

This weekend I got to get off work early enough to drive in and surprise Jason at his birthday party but somehow he already knew I was coming in. It was still great to be there with him and I just HAD to be there when we gave him his Playstation 3 (even though he already knew about that too). So much for surprises these day!! I also got to spend time with some old friends that I hadn't seen in way too long, we had a great time catching up and sharing old memories. Here are some pictures...of course Hayley, Erin and Max I get to see all the time, I was talking about the guys, Travis, Eric and Robert. By the way, Robert is in med school for plastic surgery so we will have the hook up one day!! :)