Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My birthday

I had a fabulous birthday yesterday!!!! It started out great with the news about our deposit and just got better from there. I got phone calls from my favorite people, e-cards, cards in the mail, flowers, my hair done (my hairdresser even game me a discount on my hair :) and a home cooked meal. It was a great day and I felt very loved!! Thank you to everyone who made my day special!
The flowers my boss sent me and the owner gave me a $100 gift certificate to Lowes!!!
Josh made me one of my favorite meals (chicken in the garden)
Josh serving dinner, they are always making me laugh!
The flowers my sweet friend Samantha sent me. Only she would think about me the day after she gets back from her honeymoon :)

Ashley Crabtree

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I'm glad you had such a good birthday!! and you are very lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend