Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Before & After-Dining Room

This is a pretty big room and I don't have a formal dining set so it's become multifunctional. Thanks to Dad and Robin I actually have furniture to put in here. Obviously we are using it as a dining room but it's also where Jason and Josh play their Playstation. You can't see the TV but it's at the foot of the chase lounge so they sit on it when they play, they have it rough huh. Dozer has also come to love the chase lounge. He likes to jump up there with his toy while mommy gives him a look.

It's not totally done, as you can see in the far left corner I have some different sized picture frames that I had. I want to get another set and line along the wall behind the dining set. That is a little ledge so it's perfect for decorations.

After-added some blinds to the 3 windows along this wall. The windows are old with layers and layers of paint so the blinds really make the room look better.
After-closed off this door for more space and so the table wouldn't be in the walkway to the kitchen. Thank you for the beautiful dining set Dad and Robin!!

Stay tuned for more before and after's....
Ashley Crabtree

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with all you've done!