Monday, March 03, 2008

South Beach Diet Update-Week 2

I am so thankful that I can still have Diet Coke. There is something about CFA's Coke products but I love a fountain drink from there. This is my diet splurge!

So I did really well this weekend. The hardest part was eating 6 meals a day since I slept a little later and my schedule is not the same as the week day but overall I ate very healthy and didn't splurge at all! I even resisted chips and queso and potato skins when they were ordered as appetizers and I made Josh, Jason and Meredith my molten chocolate cakes and watched them devour them while I ate a chocolate pudding cup! Hard but worth it because I have lost 4lbs!!! If anyone has any suggestions for sugar-free desserts please send them my way. The only thing I can find is the pudding cups but I would like a little more variety and really need my sweets!! I will save you the daily menu this week but I'm pretty much having the same stuff!


Josh and Courtney said...

1st GOOD FOR YOU! and 2nd I totally love CFLA Coke products too!! Weird!

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