Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Night

Well this Christmas night was a bit of an emotional one for me. It was the first time I wasn't at home with my mom. Josh and I left Knoxville around 4 because we both had to work the next day. I hated feeling like I had to rush out of there and I cried a lot when we left. I'm just glad Josh and I were with each other. It would have been terrible if I was alone. We made it home, drove thru rain the whole time, and ate left overs for dinner. We even made a little Christmas video but I'm not sure if I'm going to post it or not. I'll have to run that one by Josh. Anyways, we had a wonderful time with everyone and we feel so blessed. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts and I hope everyone liked what we got them. This time of year is so much more special when you are with your family and friends and we are so thankful for everyone of them. Now it's time to rest up and head to VEGAS. Josh and I leave Monday morning so please pray for safe travels and that it's not too chaotic over there for the New Years. I'll see everyone in 2008! Happy New Year!


Meredith said...


Jeremy and Lacy said...

I know that was a tough night for you! No matter how old you are, it is hard to be away from your Mom! Hope you have a great time in Vegas. Take lots of pictures so we can see. I am kind of living through everyone else now. I will be lucky if I make it to midnight! HA!