Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Camera

As my previous post stated, I am getting a new camera with my tax money!! I have decided that I definitely want a Sony Cybershot. I got my mom one a couple of years ago and she loves it. I am just trying to decide whether I want a blue one or a black one. I have included pictures of both so please send a comment and tell me which one you think I should get. Thanks for your input!


Meredith said...

me and jason vote black!!

Anonymous said...

WOW...Judging by your lack of comments, it seems like no one cares about your blog...Weird

Meredith said...

i care about your blog!!

Darby said...

I think your blog is great!!!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

I think your blog is great too, I just have been slacking on checking anyones...I vote blue!!!!